Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge…To acquire it you must want it First…To Intellectual obtain it it simple…Knowledge is all around You pay attention…Ask yourself what type of Knowledge do you need to get to were you want to go…What ever your Pursuits are in the Trenches or in the many areas there are to make Money it still is a Business and Profession…All areas require Knowledge…Practical every day Knowledge is Key it involves how things move who wants what and how to get it to them…A service and what is useful to the Masses…Your Knowledge will show in your Moves and Actions…Life is learning and everyday you should obtain Knowledge…Knowledge does not come with out Effort and Self discipline…Your Service and Knowledge will make it clear to you when you need to change your Game Up…There are always different Opportunities available in the Business World…The way to Success is the way of continuous Pursuit of Knowledge…Specialized Knowledge is the Lick to your Personal Trade to what you need to do to get ahead…Stop worrying about what others have Market and Start Branding yourself…It is imperative that you gain the Basic Knowledge to do these things…It is not hard…Knowledge is Key to becoming a Success and it varies from person to person find your lane…Opportunities are there prepare…Have the habit in your daily routine to seek Knowledge which will lead to success…Your Swagg has to be about Success…Set backs are not Failure they are ways to obtain Knowledge to not make Future mistakes…Make seeking Knowledge and Success a habit…Your Knowledge and whatever it may be is Worth your time to invest in proper planning in your Craft will lead you to Success…You gotta have Vision and Plan…In seeking Knowledge you have to use your Imagination your Creative imagination this were your ideas come from…Put the two Elements of Knowledge and your Imagination into play you have ideas to make become a move at making something happen…Ideas become Fortunes there are plenty of Ideas in the Hood you have to put them into play…Never set limitation on what you want or what you can achieve…You have to make a definite decision as you read this to make it your Purpose to gain the Knowledge that you need not any one else study listen to get the skills that you need to obtain to get your Money…Practical products practical things are useful…Anything useful will sell…Surround and be apart of the click that is using Knowledge to be a Success and doing what it takes to get that Bag of Cash…This group must be about new ideas and speaking on getting Money…Poverty which is Part of the disease of the Mind were no plan were put into play to escape it’s grip…Your Future achievements will reap the Results of your Plans…You only lose when you Quit…Never give in…Never give up…Intelligent planning is essential for success in any vision to get Money…In your self Improvement learn to Pay attention to detail and never be to busy to listen…In the art of Listening you will get details…When you plan and prepare you Win…Quality is a must in Knowledge and the Product…Your brain is a commodity use it…Your brain is Money use it as such think Creative…Think about your purpose you have one…Set a goal toward success…Swagg and Ambition you have to have never give up…What ever you no while you seek more Knowledge use it…Success is about using what you do know toward your Goal never give in…Conquer yourself then take on the World…To do this you must have discipline which is to Master you and to control you…Don’t be your own Enemy…Stop putting Success off waiting for that shot don’t let it fade…Be beautiful in your Personality it leads to Success…Again don’t put success off don’t wait to change you…The time will never be just right the time is now…Start with what you have in doing this better tools will Fall in place your Positive mind set will draw what you are after…Never give up…Never give in…Failure cannot box with being persistent…Success is in the Marriage, but just like Business don’t sleep with the Enemy unhappiness affect’s your drive…Don’t let it…Pray on it try and make adjustments…Pray on it…Be careful who you get down with in Marriage and business…Allah does bless the Marriage pray on it…Pray your selection in your Mate, trade, Vocation, Craft, Business is a blessed move…Aim high look down on no one they could have been the one…Success is people wanting to see and be involved with what you have going on…Your Positive enthusiasm will be a draw..Never stop acquiring Knowledge…Always keep and open Mind…Mirror check yourself daily and have your Game Face on point on the Road to Success…You have Freedom in the Hood to be all you can be against all Odds…Blacks before you died so you can come up with what they could not take and make use of those Freedoms that have been granted to you by those who died for the Cause…Become a Part of this Massive Capitalistic System that Blacks made great with Forced Free labor…Our work on this Land got the U.S. off to a great start…We have to get more of the Cash that is there…Providing a useful service is the Step toward accumulating Money…Plan create bring your idea out follow through with persistence…The capitalistic system will buy…It starts in the Hood…Every hood is a Black Wall Street…Support your brand it’s a Zillion dollar brand the Swagg of the Hood is every where…Claim your share of the Wealth…Despite the odds no one can stop the Hood today as you read these Words but the Hood…Riches are all over this Nation that We made great it’s time for the Hood to Cash in…In your Quest of Knowledge which will lead you to Success again listen and do it very well detail of any matter is key…Cooperate with others there are rare moments were you have to keep the enemy close…Your Cash that you do have closer…The cash that you start to make make sure you pay you First…Saving is important…Pay attention to the following words out of all you have been reading coming up with a dependable useful service is one of your major keys to success…Remember to have your on Swagg is real confidence never let any ignorant person put doubt in your head through there opinions never…They only seek to take what you have…Watch what you say around Haters they will steal your Dream…Some are Bosses some are Go Getters…Some just have it…Every one can obtain Knowledge to lead there are Levels to it…Be firm in your Decision…Again don’t let sucker’s still your Dream by telling you what wont work…Plan prepare and organize yourself to pursue your dreams…You have to be persistence no matter what…Never allow your Burning desire to fade…Never give in…Make sure your Click your Team is on what you are on and that’s to WIN…It’s about being a Success in the Game…Your subconscious thoughts have to be about Success…Knowing what you want not what others want is the first and most important step…Your Dream desire and being persistence will lead you to success…Every hood is a Wall Street…Trapp Game Flipped…Big City bright lights…Swagg Game…The Race to the TOP…