America biggest threat ever to this Nation is not any other Nation…It’s threat is Black people Man and Woman…When the Eye’s are Open in the Hood the Mind will be clear for understanding…The black mind has to go back to it’s Natural state of being…We Were brought here by Savages…Now We have to rid Our Mind set of becoming like these beast it’s not Our Natural state of being…The Hood is still lost in the Sauce in a deep dope daze…The Mind has to be clear for deep understanding…Whites have distorted everything they have put there hands on…There hands have to come off the Hood…They them who ever is either down with the Movement or against it…The Hood has to get the mind back Healthy into it’s Natural sane clear state of being…We have to Protect and Love our Sisters…Our Hoods should produce Millions into Zillions by supporting Our Brands…Black Wall Streets pooling our Resources…Separation is good from those who Hate you…Respect those who Respect you and your dollar…Never Hate anyone…Stay strapped and locked and loaded for your self defense these white K.K.K. groups are running around in the Woods of this Nation shooting at Targets that are you…They are at all Level’s in all our daily doings in a system that is rigged for them from the start and they still Mad…When you can’t make it in this nation and your White you can only Blame you…The Cure for mankind is Allah’s Noble book his Glorious Quran the book of Books…After that all else Falls in place…Swagg game the race to the TOP I fight on…Team Swagg stay Sucker Free out there…